Tomorrow is the day of reckoning. I have done what i can...i pray for your success and hope that you all pass with flying colors
I apologise that i have to cancelled the revision class. These past week have not been well for my health. My sore throat is now better....
And as for the final tips... well i have given much...but this is the finale....detail description of the good luck.
Gurindam Jiwa Lara Seorang Saintis Gila
Soalan pertama amat menduga
ibarat batang pinang ditetak tersasar jua
berakar keras berpohon lebat
berakar keras berpohon lebat
agar beruk turun selamat
Soalan kedua lagi mencabar
ibarat sebatang lemang hangus dibakar
oleh tenaga iblis Segitiga Bermuda
menerbitkan aura berpuncak cermin serupa
Soalan ketiga dikatakan mudah
ibarat melakar sejarah mekanik tanah
dalam pasu bersudut ia diisi
untuk menentukan hidup mati si pokok besi
Soalan keempat belum teruji
ibarat kata dan kitab mahaguru yang suci
namun jawapan kebenaran telah dikota
takkan rekah dipanah sigma-sigma
Soalan kelima cintanya soalan kedua
ibarat cerita Hindustan dengan keretapinya
menyelamatkan kekasih yang dibawa lari
kerna bertepuk sebelah tangan takkan berbunyi
If you are "blur" with this... watch Chowder video for inspiration must have fire in your heart to defeat the evil of malasness to study.....yeaahhhhhh
mcm sial jerk....sama mcm tak bagi tips...sabar jelar...ayo mmg malang student dia...ha3..siap ada video tue...FIREEEEE IN HEART...end of the day its my ass on fire...