Welcome to the Mad Scientist's Class

How tough are you?, Think Solid!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Good Luck to those who studied...

My dear students,

Tomorrow is the day of reckoning. I have done what i can...i pray for your success and hope that you all pass with flying colors

I apologise that i have to cancelled the revision class. These past week have not been well for my health. My sore throat is now better....

And as for the final tips... well i have given much...but this is the finale....detail description of the questions...so good luck.

Gurindam Jiwa Lara Seorang Saintis Gila

Soalan pertama amat menduga
ibarat batang pinang ditetak tersasar jua
berakar keras berpohon lebat
agar beruk turun selamat

Soalan kedua lagi mencabar
ibarat sebatang lemang hangus dibakar
oleh tenaga iblis Segitiga Bermuda
menerbitkan aura berpuncak cermin serupa

Soalan ketiga dikatakan mudah
ibarat melakar sejarah mekanik tanah
dalam pasu bersudut ia diisi
untuk menentukan hidup mati si pokok besi

Soalan keempat belum teruji
ibarat kata dan kitab mahaguru yang suci
namun jawapan kebenaran telah dikota
takkan rekah dipanah sigma-sigma

Soalan kelima cintanya soalan kedua
ibarat cerita Hindustan dengan keretapinya
menyelamatkan kekasih yang dibawa lari
kerna bertepuk sebelah tangan takkan berbunyi

If you are "blur" with this... watch Chowder video for inspiration ...you must have fire in your heart to defeat the evil of malasness to study.....yeaahhhhhh

Monday, November 1, 2010

Lecture notes for composite and fracture mechanics

Dear Students,

sorry for the delay. here is the notes for composite materials and fracture mechanics. As for tutorials, we'll i think that i have given you all much examples. focus on them would be suffice.

composite notes here

fracture notes here

as for the tutorials, here it comes...tadaaaaa

ok yeah.. Good Luck for the exams. Forget test 1..concerntrate on this upcoming test and final exam. However, dont forget to submit to me by latest 12/11/2010 at 1200H. After that, i will NOT ACCEPT anymore submission..nasib laa korang.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Things to do while i am away

Dear Students,

Sorry that i have to cancel class for Tuesday 12/10/2010. I have an important visit to SIRIM at the northern region with our KJ. I'll be back for class Wednesday 13/10/2010

However, while i m away, pls do try the tutorial (Buckling problems). Will discuss the answer next week.

Tutorial 4

For the notes, i think its best if you read the Hibbler textbook. My notes are actually their ppt files....

Monday, September 27, 2010

Lecture notes for Column buckling

Dear Students,

Attached are the notes for the column buckling chapter. The notes are from our reference books

Part 1

Part 2

In overall the examples are good enough for you to understand

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Coursework Assignments

Dear Students,

Please submit your assignments before the last day of the semester.

BTW Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir Batin

Individual Assignment

Group Project

Friday, August 20, 2010

Thick walled Cylinder-Lame Equation notes

Dear Students,

Please read out and try to understand the examples given. the new note is can be downloaded here

Monday, August 16, 2010

New Lecture Notes and Old tutorial....

Dear Students,

The thick walled cylinder note is here. (taken from washington uni website). We will discuss this further in class.

The tutorial for STRAIN trasformation is here. PLEASE DO IT.

Monday, August 2, 2010

How fare are you in my class?

Dear Students,

Sorry for the delay. Please DO try this tutorials (1&2). We will discuss this next week on Thursday afternoon.

FYI the new class schedule has been changed slightly. Only apply to Wed time slot from 8-10am BK 03-02.

We will start new topic tomorrow. Read first.

Download tutorial 1 here
Download tutorial 2 here

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

While i m gone....

Dear Students,

I know that you are all celebrating..while i m gone. I have not finished preparing your 1st tutorial. I think by tomorrow night it will be ready. But i can give you the notes for next class.

Download here . Its actually the slide from Hibbeler books. However please also download the additional notes from Beer & Johnson book. Download here

I have no news bout the update class schedule but will annouce it once i have the confirmed date& time.

New Class Schedule

Dear Students,

Pls be aware that the my class schedule have now be changed. Refer to the latest updates at the faculty office.

For today 28/7/2010, our class is at 0900H BK03-C02

See you there

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Dear Students,

Sorry.. forgot to upload today's class notes...on Mohr Circle..

Please download them here....

For Tuesday's class the updated notes is here

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Tutup Buku Lama..Buka Buku Baru (Updated with New File Server 19-7-2010)

Dear Students,

Welcome...i hope all of you understand what was discussed in my brief overview of EMM 3303.

Lets all of us start fresh..forget what have passed and prepare ourselrves and look forward for an excellent result at the end of this course. Insyallah, i hope that you all pass with flying colors.

Ok this is the lesson plan for this course

and for the notes..it is simple and brief (here). I suggest that you get 1-2 more books in the library for your references.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Dear Potential Students,

Please be informed that i have yet to received any emails or hardcopy proposal form from any of you.

Be warn, i will NOT entertain any late submission after 1200H Friday 9th April 2010. Any late submission will be thrown into the dustin in front of my office. (You can check after 1200H)

Remember you must submit both (softcopy & hardcopy version) to me before the given dateline. Dont give me any lame excuses of not being informed or dont understand my instruction. PLEASE REFER TO my section EMM3303 and EMM 3412 student's for details...or me (better).

Softcopy proposal form must be emailed to bajukebal@gmail.com (with your photo). No need to scan PA signature.

Hardcopy proposal form must be submitted to me (no photo required) but must have PA signature.

Good Luck. Chase the supervisor.....

Monday, March 29, 2010

The Last Class Lecture notes for the semester

Dear Students,

Attached is the last class notes for semester. It is taken from the R.C Hibbeler companion site
For the FEM topics, i will write it down and we'll discuss.

Download here


Dear Potential PSM students,

Pls be informed that the ICT have yet to resolve our online registration for PSM.

Therefore, i am initating the manual form for this matter. Please use the given form and submit the completed hardcopy (+ signature PA) to me before 9/4/10 1200H. Please also submit the softcopy (without PA signature) to my email bajukebal@gmail.com

the form is here

for those who are not sure whether you are eligible to take PSM pending to the pre-requisite subjects (taken this semester), dont worry, just fill up the form and submit. If so happens that you dont qualify (exam tak lepas), then you automatically not allow to do your PSM. Tapi kalau lepas ,carry on.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Group Assignment Distribution List

Dear Students,

We have 4 more weeks to go. So this is your group assignment task. I believe most of you have the R.C Hibbeler book.

Regarding the programming language used...well by hook or crook, get them done. Its 5 Marks !!!

Download here the assignment questions.

Good Luck.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Notes for the Buckling of Columns

Dear Students,

Pls download the notes1 and notes 2  for the new lecture session.

I will be refering to 2 types of powerpoint notes which is provided from the textbooks: R.C Hibbeler and Beer,Johnston.

Thick Walled Cylinder Notes

Dear Students,

Sorry for the delay. I am unable to form up my notes since i dont have the proper textbooks. Most of these notes are collection of lecture notes and textbook literature that i have pick-up from the web.

If you can search for the book Strength of Materials by Case, Chivler and Ross by John Wiley, it will be a great reference.

Notes 3

Notes 4

Furthermore , this is another tutorials that i hope that you all can try on. We'll discuss later bout it. Download Tutorial 3b and Tutorial 3c

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tutorial 3

Dear Students,

Here the link for Tutorial 3a . Please try to do this. Futher tutorial will be posted.

Tips to answer assignment:

1) what is the ratio between hoop stress and longitudinal stress with relation to pressure p? σhoop/σlong=?

2) largest tensile force supported by the filament can be expressed as F=?

3) the corresponding tangential force Ft  can be expressed as ?

4) the filament cross sectional A can be expressed as ?

5) σ hoop can be expressed as Ft/A ,therefore combine step (3) & (4) what will be new equation?

6) new equation for σlong?

7) optimum helix angle can be calculated from combination of step (1) , (5) & (6)

good luck

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Dear Students,

I have recovered from my dengue fever..puhhhhh..

How did you all fare when i was away....enjoy sakan kaa?

I have upload your individual assigment question here <--- Supposed to give it before you left for your holidays...tapi takpe...since i am a bit charitable after 7 days of feverish ordeal... i'll give you 3 weeks to finish it.

Pass me back the assigment answer BEFORE 12/3/2010. After 5pm of 11/3/2010...whoever does not submit their answer...5% gone..hehehehe

ANNOUNCEMENT: TEST 1 for EMM3303 will be held on 23/2/2010 at 10-11am (at similar classroom location for my section).

For Dr Rizal section, it will held at 23/2/2010 at 11-12pm (at Dr Rizal classroom's Bilik Bengkel Jentera)


Thursday, January 28, 2010

New Updates

Dear Students,

Let hope that you have done your tutorial coz we will now move to the next chapter Strain Transformation

Pls download the slides for the lecture <----------courtesy from Pearson, Hibbeler Mechanics of Materials

Exam is around the corner..dont feel bad..just study

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Notes for the 3D & Thin Walled Cylinder

Dear Students,

The latest notes on the 3D & thin walled cylinder is here <-----------------

please make sure you do the TUTORIAL ok?

Monday, January 18, 2010


Dear Students,

Due to unfortunate circumstances, we missed out 3 hours of lecture time..tsk..tsk..

No matter i think i can cover it on time.

Tomorrow pls bring along the required materials to draw a mohr's circle.

So download first the tutorial for the mohr's circle here <----

Monday, January 11, 2010

Good news for Me & Bad News for You

Dear Students,

Please be informed that i will be attending a Workshop at Putrajaya from 13/1/09 till 14/01/09.

Therefore all my classes affected will be cancelled. TQ

Lecture notes

Dear Students,

Please refer to our new timetable. I think for Tuesday's class it is still the same but for Thursday's class it is now shortened to 1 hour. Another 1 hour will be on Friday morning at 8-9am. Checkout the new schedule on 7th floor board.

The student's list will now also be different. Please check the yellow list on 7th floor also.

Please read this lecture notes for Tuesday's class <---- download here

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Reminder for tomorrow's class

Dear students,

Since tomorrow (7/1/09) we will discuss further on the chapter 1 topics, please bring your textbook & calculator. However does not have one, better start borrowing any related textbook from the library or buy 1.

FYI, the Beer & Johnston Mechanics of Materials book is now available (15 copies only) at the Co-op at Lobi Bistari. If you dont have any money yet, please let me know, i can give u credit and you can pay me before the 7th week. The price of the book is RM 68.00

Remember please bring the textbook/notes + calculator since we will solve the problems together. Please tell your buddies too.

The tutorial questions are posted here <----download

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Dear Students,

For those who has passed (D+) or is now currently taking Strength of Materials II, Thermo II, Fluid II & Mechanics of Machines, please also visit my other blog: risby-at-upnm.blogspot.com for the latest updates regarding Final Year Project.

Remember, you'll need to find your topic first & pre-register on starting on the 12th week. If you fail to register until the end of the14th week....... No Final Year Project for you for one semester.